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Hailing from the School of Economics in Singapore Management University, Cedric is a first year undergraduate trying to find his way in life. His hobbies include referring to himself in third person pronoun and cracking situationally appropriate jokes. If you enjoy having a light-hearted discussion about technology and world change, feel free to contact him via the email provided above!

Daniel is a freshman currently pursuing a degree in Economics. He finds interest in the trends and forces shaping the world today, such as History, Geopolitics, Economics as well as Social Media trends and the Internet. He keeps up to date with current affairs by following the BBC News.


He finds the Technology and World Change course intellectually stimulating and interesting. He finds that the course is able to broaden his worldview and exposure to emerging technologies.


Feel free to drop Daniel an e-mail if you have anything to discuss with him!


Coming from the School of Business, Michael is an avid gamer, and finds interest in exploring in things that are unknown. He is also a geek who enjoys exploring new technologies. 

The Technology and World Change class has helped him to broaden his horizons and explore technology with greater depth.

From the School of Accountancy, Hui Qi dreams to set up her own cafe in the future. She finds joy in music and arts and is a big food-lover. Before enrolling in TWC, she often take things as it is and not question why things are the way they are. The module definitely broadened her perspectives about world issues.

Alister Ong is a first year undergraduate, currently pursuing a degree in Economics in Singapore Management University. After the TWC class, he finds that change starts with him and not from anybody else. He becomes more interested in how innovations can drive future changes into this world. Do feel free to contact him for any intriguing discussions.



Quah Yi Yao Cedric




School of Economics

Singapore Management University

Alister Azriel Ong Tjoe




School of Economics

Singapore Management University

Sim Jia Hui, Daniel




School of Economics

Singapore Management University

Chong Hui Qi




School of Accountacncy

Singapore Management University

Lwee Yong Xin Michael



Lee Kong Chian School of Business

Singapore Management University

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