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Currently, prosthetics are used to empower individuals who are challenged in some aspects of their physical conditions. These prosthetics help to enhance their capabilities, placing them on par with their peers without such disabilities. To date, most prosthetics are not as functional or limber as real body parts but as technology improves, what if that were to change?


What if the prosthetics in the market become more advanced than their human counterparts? There does not seem to be a problem for individuals with missing limbs to compensate by using prosthetics, in fact it seems humane to offer such individuals an option to function as completely as another human being. Conversely, what if healthy and physically intact individuals choose to replace their body parts with prosthetics? On a personal scale, it may not seem ridiculous especially if the prosthetic parts are able to function above and beyond human capabilities.


Reproduced from The Awesomer (2011)

Reproduced from Matso (2009)

Reproduced from (2011)

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